Softball Rules



  • All participants must agree to the Waiver of Liability
  • The waiver can be accepted on each participant player’s dashboard. 
  • A waiver must be signed for each league that is participated in.
  • All participants in the league assume the risk of injury. The PSL, its volunteers, and employees shall not be liable for injury to person, loss or damage to personal property arising from or in any way resulting from participation in the league.


  • All participants must sign and acknowledge our Covid-19 Waiver and Hold Harmless Agreement
  • It is recommended that all players:
    • Wear masks
    • Social distance
    • Avoid gathering in large crowds before or after your games
    • Sanitize often
    • Conduct daily symptom assessments. Anyone experiencing symptoms or has come into contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days must stay home. 
  • All participants must check-in with an official at each game with proof of identity that matches your roster name. 


  • Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
  • Any behavior that is deemed violent, harassing, and/or inappropriate in any way, as witnessed by the umpire, referee, or PUMP/PSL staff, will result in the actions outlined in our Sportsmanship Policy.
  • A player who is ejected from a game must leave the premises immediately. Play will not resume until the ejected player has left.
  • Officials reserve the right to end a game or call a timeout at any point if the overall sportsmanship is out of line.
  • Captains are to be the team liaison to discuss any call or rule with an official during game play.


  • The decision to call a rainout will be made as early as possible and will be updated on our Rainout Line as per PSL policy.
  • We will endeavor to play in mildly inclement weather or in the grass outfield. Rainouts will not be called unless conditions on the field are extremely poor or the weather is deemed dangerous.
  • Umpires have the jurisdiction to call a game due to darkness or weather at the beginning or during a game.




  • Each team must submit a roster with a minimum of 10 and maximum of 20 players.
  • No player may register for more than one team within the same league without prior approval from the PSL.
  • Rosters must be submitted and waivers must be signed before any player may take the field. 
  • Rosters must be submitted by the date in your registration email. 
  • Rosters must be finalized and no changes are allowed after the second week of play.
    • Any roster changes after your first game must be emailed to PSL staff. 
  • No player who is not on your roster and signed our waivers may play in the league.
  • Only rostered players will be eligible for games and playoffs.


  • A team consists of 10 players, and there may never be more than 6 men on the field at a time.
    • As per our Inclusivity Statement, players should register and play in the way that most closely aligns with their gender identity.
  • Teams may play with 9 players - three of whom must be a gender minority - however if a 10th player is available and able to play, they must take the field so long as it doesn't give the team more than 6 men on the field.
  • Teams playing with 9 players must provide their own catcher.
  • A team can start play with a minimum of 8 players, 3 of whom must be gender minorities.
    • A team must have a minimum of 9 players, 3 of whom must be gender minorities, by the start of the second inning or they will forfeit the game.
  • Teams are permitted to pick up a maximum of 2 players from another PSL softball team to avoid forfeiting their game. Teams may not pick up subs from the opponent they are scheduled to play that day.
  • No team may use subs, PSL or otherwise, for playoffs.
    • All players participating in a playoff game must be on your roster to be eligible to participate.




  • All games will start at their scheduled time.
  • If a team does not have enough players to start the game by 5 minutes after the scheduled start time, they will forfeit.
  • If enough players to start the game arrive 5-10 minutes after the scheduled start time, the game will be officiated and played as a scrimmage but will still be recorded as a forfeit.
  • Once 10 minutes after the scheduled start time has passed, the game is recorded as a forfeit and the teams are allowed to use the remaining time to practice or organize a pickup game. Umpires are not required to stay and officiate.
  • Teams forfeiting 2 or more times during the regular season will be ineligible for playoffs.
  • Teams must submit a forfeit notification when they are unable to make a scheduled game.
    • Teams who submit a forfeit notification three (3) or more hours in advance of their game will receive a 7-0 loss.
    • Teams who submit a forfeit notification one to two (1-2) hours in advance of their game will receive a 9-0 loss.
    • Teams who submit a forfeit notification with less than an hour before their game begins will receive a 15-0 loss.


  • Regulation games are 7 innings.
  • A game that is called off by the umpire after 5 full innings of play shall be considered a regulation game and will not be made up. The score at the end of the last full inning shall determine the winner.
  • A game that is called before 5 full innings of play shall not be considered a regulation game and shall be rescheduled and restarted from the beginning.
  • A new inning cannot be started if there are 5 or fewer minutes remaining before the next game is supposed to start.
    • For example, if the time is 7:40pm the current game shall be called final and the teams playing at 7:45pm may take the field.
  • A 10-run rule will take effect after 5 innings, also known as the Mercy Rule.
    • If during the 5th inning, the visiting team goes up by 10 or more runs, the home team still bats in the bottom of the inning. If the home team goes up by 10 runs during the 6th or 7th inning, the game is over.
    • During playoffs, the mercy rule is extended to 15 runs.
    • When the mercy rule comes into effect, teams may choose to continue the game as a scrimmage, noting that the umpire will no longer keep score. Teams may use the field to scrimmage until 5 minutes prior to the next game time.


  • Regular season games can end in a tie.
  • During the regular season, if a game is tied after 7 innings AND there are at least 10 minutes before the next game’s scheduled start time, an 8th inning will be played. If the game is still tied after 8 innings, the game will end in a tie. If a game is still in progress when the next game is set to start, the game will be called and the game score at the end of the last full inning shall stand.
  • During the post season, additional innings will be played until a winner is determined, however there will be no warm-ups between half innings.




  • The bases are set 65 feet apart.
  • The pitcher’s mound is approximately 50 feet from home plate.
    • Pitchers may pitch from either 50 or 55 feet, as long as they are in line between home plate and 2nd base and no more than 3 feet to the left or right of the pitcher's mat.
  • PSL uses a strike mat that is to fit tight with the point of home plate.
    • A legal pitch that lands on the strike mat and/or home plate will be called a strike.
  • Runners and fielders must touch home plate for their run or out to count. Touching the strike mat does not count.
  • PSL uses a safety first base where fielders should use the white bag and runners should use the orange bag.
    • If a fielder is using the foul portion of the double base, the runner may tag the white bag in fair territory.
  • Several of our softball fields have additional ground rules; please click here to go to our ground rules page to view them.


  • A lineup must be submitted to the umpire before the game begins and all teams must bat in the written order.
    • Teams must specify whether they will be using a rotating lineup or a flex lineup.
    • Teams may not deviate from their chosen lineup after the game has started.
  • All players must have a spot in the batting order.
  • Teams may not remove a player from the game with the intention of inserting a substitute player for the remainder of the game.
  • A team may not bat 3 men in a row.
  • If a team has several more men than women at a game, they may create a lineup for men, and a lineup for women. This will be known as a rotating lineup.
    • The women will rotate through the order to keep the lineup so that no more than 2 men bat in a row.
    • Men must always bat in the written order.
    • Teams must have a minimum of 4 women to use a rotating lineup.
    • Teams may not use a rotating lineup unless it’s necessary.
      • If the ratio of men to women readily permits a team to use a ‘normal’ batting order where the women do not need to rotate, a team may not use a rotating lineup.
  • Teams are permitted to flex their men in the lineup. This will be known as a flex lineup.
    • Teams are not permitted to flex women in a flex lineup.
    • All women must bat once before the first batter comes up for their second at bat.
    • Teams must have a minimum of 3 women to use a flex lineup.
  • A player arriving late to the game may be added to the end of the lineup only if it doesn’t cause 3 men to bat in a row. If it causes 3 men to bat in a row, insert the player into the last spot on the lineup that works with our lineup rules.
  • If a player is injured or becomes ill and cannot continue participating in the game, the lineup will remain in the same formation unless minor adjustments are needed to maintain the proper gender rules. The injured and/or sick player will not incur an out when their spot in the lineup is reached.
  • If a player is ejected from a game, the lineup will remain in the same formation unless minor adjustments are needed to maintain the proper gender rules. The ejected player will incur an out when their spot in the lineup is reached.


  • These rules will only be enforced if the offending team is winning when the illegal lineup is caught. If the offending team is losing at the time the illegal lineup is caught, the lineup is simply corrected and play will resume without restarting the game. 
  • If an illegal lineup is caught before the 2nd inning of a game, the game will be started over and the lineup will be corrected.
  • If an illegal lineup is caught between the 2nd and 4th inning of a game, the lineup will be corrected and the game will be started over and played as a 5-inning game. If time permits, 7 innings may be played.
  • If an illegal lineup is caught after the 4th inning of a game, the lineup will be corrected and teams will finish the game, however the game will be recorded as a forfeit for the offending team.
  • Any team caught using an illegal lineup will be contacted by PSL staff and further discipline will be instituted for any future occurrences.


  • A batter using an illegal bat while in the batter's box, or discovered having used an illegal bat after an at-bat and before the next pitch is thrown, will be ejected.
  • Any hits/runs on the play are canceled. Any outs on the play stand. Runners must return to the base held prior to the pitch unless they were put out. The bat is removed from the dugout.
  • If an illegal bat is discovered after the next pitch is thrown to a new batter, or any other time when not in use by a player, the bat is simply removed from the dugout and there are no further penalties.
  • Any team caught using an illegal bat will be contacted by PSL staff and further discipline will be instituted for any future occurrences.


  • Players needing a courtesy runner must let the umpire know before their first at bat.
  • Players may not use a courtesy runner if they advance past first base on a fairly batted ball.
    • The exception to this is if a runner injures themselves running to a base; in this case a courtesy runner may be awarded at the umpire’s discretion.
  • Once a player uses a courtesy runner, that player must use a courtesy runner for the remainder of the game.
  • Players who have declared the need for a courtesy runner and advance past first base will see their courtesy runner placed at first base, no matter what base they are able to secure.
  • Courtesy runners are only entitled to first base.
    • The exception to this is when a defensive player throws the ball out of play, or the batter runner needing a courtesy runner hits a ground rule double or an over the fence homerun.
      • In these circumstances only, the courtesy runner is allowed to complete the running responsibilities of the batter runner, and may advance past first base.
  • The last player of the same gender who has been called out shall be the courtesy runner.
    • If no player has been called out, the player of the same gender farthest away from the player needing a courtesy runner in the batting order will be used as the courtesy runner.
      • For example, if the first man batter in the batting order needs a pinch runner, the man batting last would be his/their courtesy runner.
    • Courtesy runners will likely change inning to inning based on the last player to be called out.


  • Only captains may discuss or clarify calls with the umpire.
  • An outfield fence is in play. In most cases a ball hit over the fence is a homerun; however, your umpire will go over the ground rules of the field before your game.
  • Any ball that goes under an outfield fence will be ruled a dead ball and called appropriately in accordance with the ground rules for that field.
    • If the field does not have ground rules, a ball under the fence will be called a ground rule double.
  • Bunting, stealing, and/or advancing a base on a wild pitch is not permitted.
    • A batter who bunts will be called out.
  • Base runners may not leave their base until the ball is hit.
    • A base runner who leaves their base before the batter makes contact with the ball will be called out.
  • Pitchers must pitch underhand, with an arc between 6-12 feet from the ground.
  • The infield fly rule is in effect. 
  • Each batter starts with a 1-1 count and gets one free foul.
    • If the batter has two strikes against and hits a foul ball, that foul will not be counted as strike three.
    • If the batter hits a second foul ball, that foul will be counted as strike three.
  • If a batter throws a bat on a follow through of their swing, they will receive a warning from the umpire and will not be called out so long as the bat does not make contact with another person on the field.
    • If the bat makes contact with another person on the field the batter will not be given a warning and will be called out.
    • The second time it occurs, the batter will be out regardless of whether or not the bat contacts another person on the field.
  • If a team chooses to intentionally walk a batter, the pitcher may waive the pitches and the batter may advance directly to first base.
  • A runner may not slide beyond the base to break up a double play.
    • Runners who slide to break up a play will be called out. Should the runner at the prior base reach the base safely due to the double play being broken up, they will also be called out.
  • No fielder may block a base or baseline, including home plate, unless they have possession of the ball or is in the act of fielding the ball.
    • Fielders who block a base or baseline without possession of the ball, or being in the act of fielding the ball, will be called for obstruction.
  • Runners must slide or surrender when a fielder has the ball and is waiting at the base to make the tag. Runners who do not slide or surrender will be called out.
    • Surrender will be defined as slowing down to the point where the runner can hold the base without contacting the fielder covering the base.
  • No outfielder may step into the infield when a woman is up to bat until she makes contact with the ball.
    • If an outfielder encroaches into the infield before contact is made, but after the first pitch, the ball is immediately dead and the batter is awarded first base.
    • Runners on base only advance if they are forced.
  • When a batter hits a fairly batted ball to the outfield, the first throw from the outfielder may not be on the batter-runner who is running to first base.
    • Should an outfielder attempt to put out the batter-runner at first base as the first play from the outfield, the batter-runner will be called safe and the defense will be given a warning.
    • All subsequent violations of this rule will result in the batter-runner not being called out and being awarded second base.
    • If the batter-runner rounds first base - instead of running straight through the bag - after a batted ball, outfielders may throw behind the runner.
    • Outfielders are permitted to make a throw to first base if the runner on first fails to tag up on a fly ball, or retreats after tagging up.
  • A player is called out when:
  • Their batted fair or foul fly ball is caught by a fielder in the field of play.
  • The umpire calls a third strike on a batter.
  • A batter hits a foul ball after using their courtesy foul.
  • An infield fly is declared.
  • A fairly hit ball touches the batter before touching a fielder.
  • A runner or base is tagged before the runner reaches the base they are advancing to.
  • A runner does not slide or surrender.
  • A runner goes outside of the baseline by more than three (3) feet.
    • Exception: runners may go outside of the baseline to round a base when attempting to advance to another base.
  • A batter is found to be batting out of turn after the first pitch has been thrown.



  • Game balls and bases will be provided by the PSL.
    • Teams must bring their own softballs to warm up with.
  • Teams must bring their own bats and gloves.
    • To see which bats are legal for use in PSL softball leagues please see our Approved Bat List.
  • Metal spikes/cleats are not permitted.





  • Playoffs are based on win/loss record.
  • The number of teams to qualify for playoffs will vary from season to season based on the number of teams registered.
  • To find out what time each seed will play, please check out our FAQ’s page.


  • All teams tied in the standings will use the following tiebreakers, in order, to determine seeding:
    • Most regular season wins
    • Head-to-head
    • Least runs allowed
    • Most points scored
    • Least points given up vs highest ranked common opponent
      • If teams play a common opponent an uneven number of times, the next highest common opponent is used
      • If teams have same runs/points given up vs common opponent, the next highest common opponent is used
    • Coin toss


3-way tiebreakers: When 3 or more teams are tied; all teams will be ranked on the same criteria as opposed to knocking a team out then returning to the top of the tiebreaker list. Tiebreakers will be applied until all teams that are tied can be ranked using the same criteria. If the teams did not play one another in an even number of games then “head-to-head” will be skipped.










Many of our login issues stem from errors in the emails of invited players and can be easily resolved!

Reminder: please use your email address (the one associated with your PUMP account) as your username.

If the emails used for your PUMP account and PSL account do not match, your login will not work.

If you cannot login, fill out this form!




PSL Spring 2025 registration dates are listed below!

Click on a sport listed to get to its homepage, where more league info will be available.

Questions about leagues or registration? Email Ky!

Spring Indoor Sports

Monday, February 10th: Bowling and Cornhole (12pm) 

Tuesday, February 11th: Pickleball (10am) & Volleyball (12pm)

Wednesday, February 12th: Basketball & Pre-Spring Mini Tennis Clinic (12pm)

Spring Outdoor Sports

Tuesday, February 25th: Flag Football (12pm)

Wednesday, February 26th: Kickball (12pm)

Thursday, February 27th: Softball (12pm)


Interested in playing in a PSL sport but can't commit to a full league, or just want to get out one night and play? We have a PSL Play Solo: Pick Up Nights series for you! Pick your sport(s) and night(s) to participate in. Currently we have offerings in January and February for Basketball, Dodgeball, Flag Football, Kickball, Pickleball and Volleyball. Questions about a Play Solo Night event? Email Meghan!


Sign up for a Play Solo Night by clicking here!



PSL Staff's hours of league correspondence: 

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

*Note these are the hours that PSL staff is usually available for email and/or phone calls. We will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible and appreciate your patience. 


If your team needs to forfeit please notify us here