
The PSL stands united behind the principles of respect, inclusion, and acceptance. We welcome and are committed to providing a fun and safe environment for all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, color, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, disability, veteran status or national origins.

Our rules, as outlined in our Gender Inclusivity Policy (Updated April '22), are LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and other sexualities and gender identities/expressions) friendly and we encourage you to identify in our leagues as you prefer. If you should have any concerns or needs please email Ky for support. We want you to play play where you feel most comfortable!

We strive to be welcoming of people with varying physical and mental abilities. If you should have any concerns about your participation please contact Ky to help guide you.

Payments and Refunds

Each league the PSL offers has a cost associated with playing, and there are three primary ways to make this payment. First, the captain can pay the fee in full and make private arrangements with their teammates to pay them. Second, the captain can invoice their team through Team Payer with a cost of $3.95 per transaction added to the invoices. Third, a check (payable to PUMP) can be mailed to us for teams who are sponsored. The captain is always responsible for payment of the league fee's full balance (either by paying it themselves or invoicing their teammates and ensuring they pay). 

Payment Policy

Full payment of all team fees is due by the first day of league play or activity.  Any remaining team balance on the first day of league play or activity will be assigned to the team captain. Failure to pay will make your team subject to forfeit all games until the fees are paid. All payments must be made via Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express through PSL's secure online website.  Personal checks and cash are not accepted as a form of payment.  If a company is paying for your team fee and they require payment by check, please contact Ky

What is Team Payer?

Team Payer is an easy way for your teammates to pay their portion of the team balance, so you don't have to as the captain! If you choose to invoice your teammates through Team Payer: first invite them to your team and then invoice them with the amount you want to charge them. You will need to do the math and are able to charge people different amounts depending on their role within your team. When a player accepts their roster spot, they can pay their portion of the League fee directly to us, and that will be deducted from the total amount you owe as a captain. No need for players to bring checks or cash to you! Note: each invoice on Team Payer will include a $3.95 transaction fee. Learn more about Team Payer here

Cancellation Policy

I am a team captain; what if I need to cancel my registration? If you are registering as a team captain that means you have a team that is committed to playing and paying for your league spot. We understand that sometimes things come up, so if you need to cancel your registration you must let us know as soon as possible. Once your schedule has been emailed to you (1-3 weeks before you are scheduled to start the league), then you are financially responsible for the entire league fee for the season, the same as if you were playing; the exception to this is bowling, as our bowlers do not receive a schedule until after their league has begun. PSL bowling captains are able to withdraw from the league up until 14 days before the league start date. Any cancellations after this time will require the captain to pay the league fee in full. If you need help finding free agents we can assist you. 

Please note that the only way to cancel a registration is to email Ky. We at the PSL want to provide you with the best service possible and strive to provide communication, respect and fairness to all our captains, teams and participants. When you register for a team spot that reserves you a spot in the league and we work tirelessly on providing you with a fair schedule and fun games; knowing that you are committed to playing and paying allows us prepare the league accordingly to serve you in the best possible way every season!

Free Agent Placement Policy

When you register as an free agent, it is not guaranteed that you will be placed on a team. If a team is in need of a player, the captain will either reach out to a PSL staff member and we will reach out to you, or a team captain can reach out to you directly. Free agents are also able to answer questions and create a profile so teams can find a good fit for their team. Once you agree to join the team, you will be added and/or invited to join the team and invoiced for your portion of the dues. If for some reason you can no longer participate and need to leave the team, you must email the captain and a PSL staff member as soon as possible so we can try to find someone to take your place on the team. Once the league schedule is released you are responsible for your portion of the team fee regardless of whether you are able to play or not. Failure to pay your portion of the team fee after the schedule is released will result in you being barred from participating in other PSL leagues until the dues have been paid in full.

Refund Policy

No refunds, credits, vouchers, or transfers to a future season, will be given (no matter the circumstances) within fourteen (14) days of the originally posted start date of the league or activity. An administrative fee of 10% of the entire team fee will be charged for ALL refunds requested more than fourteen (14) days prior to the originally posted start date of the league or activity. Team captains and/or players are responsible to pay this fee. Any team that does not pay the administrative fees will not be eligible to participate in the PSL until all outstanding balances are paid in full. In the event that a league or activity is canceled due to insufficient sign-ups, registrants will be given a full refund of their registration fees.

The PSL will not give partial refunds to a team of players that add player(s) to the roster after fees have been paid. Please only assign amounts through TeamPayer once you have your team confirmed and the amounts are correct. In the event you add player(s) after payments have been collected the responsibility to adjust the payments is then places on the team, and the team captain to organize on their own. Team Captain's do have the ability to adjust the payments requested for anyone who has not yet paid. 


Weather Policies

How can I find out if my game is going to be canceled?

You can find out if your game is canceled through Rainout Line, the PSL's awesome weather tool! You choose the technology and as soon as we know your game is canceled so will you! You can use Rainout Line in the following ways:

1. Call the Weather Hotline: 412-212-RAIN (7246).  A message will be updated each day to let you know if your game is canceled or if it is on as scheduled.

2. Use the Rainout Line Mobile App: Use any iPhone or Android Smartphone and search for Rainout Line. First, add PSL to your favorites. Then you can favorite all the leagues or sports that are important to you.

3. Email or Text Notifications: Click here, create an account and add PSL to your favorites! You can favorite any leagues you care about and check their playability through the website or you can set up notifications for your convenience. Just click on the link on the left side, 'Email & Text Alerts', which will alllow you to set up email and/or text notifications on the sports and leagues you care about!

4. Social Media: Check our Twitter for updates!

Who decides if a game is canceled once it starts?

Once a game begins it is up to the umpires to decide when a game should be called.  They have been instructed to use their best judgment to call a game once the playing field becomes too dangerous to continue.  In the event of lightning, a flash to bang method will be used.  A flash to bang method is used to determine how far away lightning is.  Every 5 seconds between a flash of lightening and a bang of thunder equals 1 mile.  The field will be evacuated if there is less than 15 seconds between a flash of lightening and the bang of thunder.  Game play will not continue until the severe weather passes and there is more than 15 seconds between the flash of lightning and the bang of thunder.

My game was canceled after it already started, will we make it up?

Kickball and softball games that are called after 4.5 innings if the home team is ahead or after 5 full innings if the visiting team is ahead will be considered final regardless of the score and situation.  Any game that has not completed 4.5 or 5 full innings will be rescheduled and will start from the beginning.

Flag football games that are called will be considered final regardless of the score and situation if there is less than 10 minutes remaining in the 2nd half. Games that are called before this time limit will be rescheduled and will start from the beginning.

I play indoors, can my game still be canceled?

If the facility you are scheduled to play at remains open, then the games will proceed as scheduled. If inclement weather causes the facility you are scheduled to play at to close, a PSL staff member will send the team captain an email, and the Rainout Line will be updated.

Team Name Policy

PUMP is committed to ensuring an environment that is culturally sensitive, respectful, healthful, comfortable, and free from intimidation, hostility, and other offenses which do not support this commitment. We ask that you remain mindful of this commitment when deciding on a team name.

PUMP and the PSL will not tolerate racist, sexist, sexual innuendo, or otherwise inappropriate, demeaning, and offensive team names.  Any team name that is deemed inappropriate by PUMP and PSL staff will be immediately removed. Since PSL team captains are the only individuals that can add, change, or delete a team name, team captains will be held personally accountable for adhering to this policy.

Disciplinary Action

A team captain that violates PUMP's policy on PSL Team Names will be subject to the following additional action:

1st Offense - The individual will be issued a written warning that outlines the violation and references PUMP and PSL's policy on team names.

2nd Offense - The individual will be suspended for one year from all PSL activities.

3rd Offense - The individual will be permanently banned from participating in PSL activities.

PUMP reserves the right to skip any of the above outlined steps or apply disciplinary measures to additional members of a team if the nature of the offense or evidence provided warrants such action.

General Policies

Forfeit Policy

Captains are responsible for submitting a forfeit notification when their team needs to forfeit. If the captain is unavailable, another teammate is required to submit the forfeit notification. We understand things come up, but when you forfeit a game another team and an official are waiting for you; it is unfair to them to not show up and not notify PSL in advance. Forfeit notifications must be submitted at least one (1) hour prior to the start time of weekday games. Weekend forfeits must be submitted by 12:00am the morning of your game. This will allow for PSL staff to notify the umpires and the opposing team of the forfeit with enough time for them to plan accordingly.

Failure to submit a forfeit notification will be considered a 'no show' on your team's behalf, and may disqualify your team from playoffs for the season. If your team forfeits twice in a season, your team will be deemed ineligible for playoffs regardless of whether or not a forfeit notification was submitted. Please note that PSL staff reserves the right to deem teams playoff eligible if there are extenuating circumstances regarding a forfeit.

For specific information regarding penalties for your team forfeiting, see your sports rule book. The penalties will be listed under the 'START TIME & FORFEITS' section.

Captaincy Transfer Policy

As per our team cancellation policy, when you register as a team captain it means that you have a team that is committed to playing and paying for your league spot. If, for some reason, you can no longer participate but your team would still like to play, we do allow a change in captaincy. To request a change in captaincy you will need to email Ky, and request that another player on the team be permitted to take over the role as team captain. The teammate becoming the new captain should be copied on the email to the PSL staff member, and we will need written consent from them stating that they understand and accept the responsibilities that come along with being a team captain. Responsibilities for captains include: submitting a forfeit notification if your team needs to forfeit a game, communicating with PSL staff if/when necessary, communicating with PSL officials during games, managing the team roster, and taking over the team finances as the team fee is your responsibility once you agree to the captaincy change. Once we have confirmation from the player stating they will accept the responsibilities, we will make them captain of the team. At that point, the original captain is relieved of their responsibilities and the new captain will be held responsible for the entire team fee.

Game Ejection Policy


All player ejections are reviewed by PSL staff after the incident. PSL staff will take time to investigate the actions of all parties involved in the incident to ensure an appropriate course of action is taken. You can view our Sportsmanship Policy for more details on our expectations regarding appropriate behavior in PSL's events, activities, tournaments, and leagues.


At the discretion and judgement of PSL staff, PSL league officials, and/or staff at facilities PSL is utilizing, any player or team who demonstrates unsportsmanlike behavior and/or is ejected from a game or match will be suspended indefinitely from all PSL activities pending further PSL review. This suspension is effective immediately, and the ejected player/team and respective team captain will be notified via email by PSL staff the morning after the behavior and/or ejection occurred. Additionally, PSL staff, PSL league officials, and/or staff at facilities PSL is utilizing may also forfeit a game or match at any time due to unsportsmanlike behavior; this includes after the game or match has ended.


During this time of review, PSL staff will contact the necessary parties to collect all information needed to review the behavior and/or ejection. Once PSL staff has made a decision regarding the player or team's behavior and/or ejection, the suspended player/team, along with their team captain, will be notified of when or if the player/team may resume PSL activities. All documentation received regarding the incident will become official PSL record and every situation will be handled independently.


PSL staff reserves the right to review any PSL team that has multiple players suspended in a game, season, year, or years to determine if additional action is warranted, including, but not limited to, the team captain being ineligible to register as a team captain in the future, permanent disbandment of the team, multi-season suspensions, as well as being banned from PSL.


The PSL will not issue a refund for any games or matches missed by a player or team that is suspended from league activity.


All decisions of PSL are final.


Photography Policy


By attending a PUMP or PSL event, you are entering an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. The photographs and recordings made are likely to appear on our website, on our social media and in our marketing materials. If you have concerns about having your picture taken please contact our PSL Director




Many of our login issues stem from errors in the emails of invited players and can be easily resolved!

Reminder: please use your email address (the one associated with your PUMP account) as your username.

If the emails used for your PUMP account and PSL account do not match, your login will not work.

If you cannot login, fill out this form!




PSL Spring 2025 registration dates are listed below!

Click on a sport listed to get to its homepage, where more league info will be available.

Questions about leagues or registration? Email Ky!

Spring Indoor Sports

Monday, February 10th: Bowling and Cornhole (12pm) 

Tuesday, February 11th: Pickleball (10am) & Volleyball (12pm)

Wednesday, February 12th: Basketball & Pre-Spring Mini Tennis Clinic (12pm)

Spring Outdoor Sports

Tuesday, February 25th: Flag Football (12pm)

Wednesday, February 26th: Kickball (12pm)

Thursday, February 27th: Softball (12pm)


Interested in playing in a PSL sport but can't commit to a full league, or just want to get out one night and play? We have a PSL Play Solo: Pick Up Nights series for you! Pick your sport(s) and night(s) to participate in. Currently we have offerings in January and February for Basketball, Dodgeball, Flag Football, Kickball, Pickleball and Volleyball. Questions about a Play Solo Night event? Email Meghan!


Sign up for a Play Solo Night by clicking here!



PSL Staff's hours of league correspondence: 

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

*Note these are the hours that PSL staff is usually available for email and/or phone calls. We will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible and appreciate your patience. 


If your team needs to forfeit please notify us here