3v3 Basketball Tournament

3v3 Basketball Tournament

Every year we host some sort of 3v3 Basketball Tournament. Teams are guarenteed 4 refereed games (20 minutes long), a t-shirt and a prize for the champions! Teams may roster up to 4 players. In 2019, we played on a beautiful rooftop court downtown and had a blast! 


On March 8, 2022, we were planning on hosting a PSL Women's March Madness 3v3 Mini Basketball Tournament. Unfortauntely, due to lack of interest, we have decided to cancel the event. 


If you have ideas for a tournament you would like to see please email Jaime

  3v3 - Open Gender - Rosters up to 5 Players

3v3 Basketball Rooftop Elimination Tournament

More Info
More Info

We are thrilled to host our second ever Rooftop Basketball Tournament in Downtown Pittsburgh on Sunday August 28th from 4:00 - 8:00 PM.

Each team is guaranteed at least 2 officiated 20 minute half-court 3v3 games. All teams will also get t-shirts and a prize for champions. Roster maximum is 5 players for the evening. The cost to play is $100 per team. Payment is due in full at registration.

The facility is located at 422 Stanwix Street – and is called Etage Athletic Club (formerly the City Place Fitness and Golds Gym). When you arrive, follow the signs to the gym. Everyone will need to sign a guest waiver. Then you will be buzzed up the elevator to the rooftop. Please share these directions with your team.

Parking: There is free street parking downtown on Sundays (look for the correct signage) and lots of public transportation options. If you park in their garage, your first 1.5 hours are free (anything above that you will be charged for). If you would like to take advantage of this please bring your ticket to the gym front desk to get validated as you are leaving the facility.

There are two tournament champions - the 1st place and the 5th place teams. The breakdown is as follows.

(A) Team 1 vs Team 2
(B) Team 3 vs Team 4
(C) Team 5 vs Team 6
(D) Team 7 vs Team 8

Winners move onto 1st place bracket and losers move onto 5th place bracket.

Winner (A) vs Winner (B)
Winner (C) vs Winner (D)
*Winners play in 1st Place Championship!

Loser (A) vs Loser (B)
Loser (C) vs Loser (D)
*Winners play in 5th Place Championship!


5:00 PM, 5:30 PM, 6:00 PM, 6:30 PM, 7:00 PM


3v3 Basketball Tournament Rules





  • All participants must agree to the waiver of liability. 
  • The waiver can be accepted on each participant player’s dashboard. 
  • All participants in the league assume the risk of injury.  The PSL, its volunteers, and employees shall not be liable for injury to person, loss or damage to personal property arising from or in any way resulting from participation in the league.


  • Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
  • Any behavior that is deemed violent, harassing, and/or inappropriate in any way, as witnessed by the umpire, referee, or PUMP/PSL staff, will result in the actions outlined in our Sportsmanship Policy.
  • A player who is ejected from a game must leave the premises immediately.  Play will not resume until the ejected player has left.
  • Officials reserve the right to end a game at any point if the overall sportsmanship is out of line.
  • Captains are to be the team liaison to discuss any call or rule with an official during game play.




  • Each team must submit a roster with up to 5 players.  
  • No player may register for more than 1 team within the tournament.
  • Rosters must be submitted and a waiver form must be signed before the start of the tournament.
  • No player who is not on your roster and signed a waiver form may play.


  • A team consists of 3 players.
  • A team can start play with 2 players.
  • Players must wear their Tournament PSL shirt.
  • There are no gender requirements for play.




  • Game will start at its scheduled time.
  • If a team does not have enough players to start the game by 2 minutes after the scheduled start time, they will forfeit.


  • The game is a single period of 20 minutes.
  • Time will run continuously except in the following cases:
    • Team time-outs (one per team, per game)
    • Injuries
    • Official time-outs




  • The game is played on a half-court, with one basket.
  • A jump ball is not used to start the game. Instead, a coin toss is held immediately before the game. The winning team can choose to take possession of the ball at the start of the game, or take the first possession of a potential overtime period.
  • There are no jump balls at any time in the game; neither is there an alternating possession rule. In any held ball situation, the defensive team is granted possession.
  • Every successful shot inside the arc is awarded one point, while every successful shot behind the arc is awarded two points.
  • The game is a single period of 20 minutes. The winner is the team with the highest score at the end of the 20 minutes. A tie in regulation leads to an untimed overtime period, which is won by the first team to score two points in overtime.
  • Game play starts with the defensive team exchanging the ball with the offensive team behind the arc. This exchange is also used to restart the game from any dead ball situation. If a foul is committed that results in the non-fouling team retaining possession — i.e., a technical or "unsportsmanlike" foul (the latter essentially the same as the "flagrant foul" of North American rule sets) — the non-fouling team will receive the exchange.
  • If the defense gains possession of the ball within the arc, by a steal, a block or a rebound, the team must move the ball behind the arc before being allowed to take a shot.
  • After a made goal or free throw (except for technical or unsportsmanlike fouls and team fouls 10 or more), play restarts with a player from the non-scoring team taking the ball directly under the basket and then dribbling or passing it to a point behind the arc. The defense is not allowed to play for the ball inside the block/charge semi-circle under the basket.
  • The only common feature between the substitution procedure in full-court and 3x3 is that it can occur only in a dead ball situation. In 3x3, a substitute can only enter from behind the end line opposite the basket, and the substitution becomes official once the player leaving the game has made physical contact with the substitute. Unlike the full-court game, no action from referees or table officials is required.
  • Individual personal foul counts are not kept. In other words, players cannot be disqualified on the basis of personal fouls. However, a player who commits two unsportsmanlike fouls is disqualified.
  • Fouls during the act of shooting inside the arc are awarded 1 free throw, whilst fouls during the act of shooting behind the arc are awarded 2 free throws. However, team fouls 7, 8 and 9 are awarded two free throws, whilst team fouls 10 or more are awarded two free throws and possession of the ball.
  • Technical fouls (including unsportsmanlike fouls) result in two free throws plus possession of the ball.
  • Any player who receives 2 technical fouls will be ejected from the game and subject to a 1-game suspension.
  • No dunking allowed.
  • Hanging on the rim or nets will result in a technical foul.
  • There is no mercy rule.
  • A forfeited game will result in a score of 21-0.



  • PSL 3v3 game ball will be provided.



This is a double elimination tournament with prizes being awarded to the 1st and 5th place teams!


    Game 1            
    Court A: 5:00 PM          
      Game 6        
      Court A: 6:00 PM        
    Game 2          
    Court B: 5:00 PM          
          Court A: 7:15 PM    
    Game 3          
    Court A: 5:30 PM          
      Game 7        
      Court B: 6:30 PM        
    Game 4          
    Court B: 5:30 PM          
    Game 8: Loser Game 1 vs Loser Game 2          
    Court A: 6:00 PM          
      Court B: 7:15 PM        
    Game 9: Loser Game 3 vs Loser Game 4          
    Court B: 6:30 PM          





Many of our login issues stem from errors in the emails of invited players and can be easily resolved!

Reminder: please use your email address (the one associated with your PUMP account) as your username.

If the emails used for your PUMP account and PSL account do not match, your login will not work.

If you cannot login, fill out this form!




PSL Spring 2025 registration dates are listed below!

Click on a sport listed to get to its homepage, where more league info will be available.

Questions about leagues or registration? Email Ky!

Spring Indoor Sports

Monday, February 10th: Bowling and Cornhole (12pm) 

Tuesday, February 11th: Pickleball (10am) & Volleyball (12pm)

Wednesday, February 12th: Basketball & Pre-Spring Mini Tennis Clinic (12pm)

Spring Outdoor Sports

Tuesday, February 25th: Flag Football (12pm)

Wednesday, February 26th: Kickball (12pm)

Thursday, February 27th: Softball (12pm)


Interested in playing in a PSL sport but can't commit to a full league, or just want to get out one night and play? We have a PSL Play Solo: Pick Up Nights series for you! Pick your sport(s) and night(s) to participate in. Currently we have offerings in January and February for Basketball, Dodgeball, Flag Football, Kickball, Pickleball and Volleyball. Questions about a Play Solo Night event? Email Meghan!


Sign up for a Play Solo Night by clicking here!



PSL Staff's hours of league correspondence: 

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

*Note these are the hours that PSL staff is usually available for email and/or phone calls. We will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible and appreciate your patience. 


If your team needs to forfeit please notify us here