Kickball for a Cause 2022

  • Sport: Kickball
  • Format: Recreational - 10 v 10 (6 men maximum on field)
  • Locations: Mellon Park
  • Days of the week: Saturday
  • Started on : Started on Saturday, August 13
  • Dates: 8.13
  • Times: 8:30 AM, 9:05 AM, 9:40 AM, 10:15 AM, 10:50 AM, 11:25 AM, 12:00 PM, 12:35 PM, 1:10 PM, 1:45 PM, 2:30 PM, 3:15 PM, 4:00 PM

Signup Deadline: Monday, July 25

When: Saturday August 13, 2022

Where: Mellon Park, Beechwood Blvd at 5th Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Registration: Opens Tuesday June 28th - Noon
If you are not a PUMP Member, and do not wish to become one for the year you are still welcome to participate in the tournament using the discount code: KickballforaCause22

Please volunteer to help if you can't play! Submit a form to help the tournament succeed!

Donations: Can't make it to the tournament but still want to support the Causes? All donations are fully given to the Causes!

What: Join us for the 19th Annual Kickball for a Cause as we bring together 600+ young people, ages 21+, for a day of kickball, picnicking and more! Teams play in round-robin lightning games in the morning & early afternoon. Winners of each division advance to a single elimination tournament later that day. In addition to raising funds for two important nonprofits - Proud Haven and Foster Love Project. The $550 team fee includes 3 refereed kickball games (with the potential to move into playoff rounds), your team's t-shirts, a DJ, food, non-alcoholic beverages, complimentary alcoholic drink ticket(s), and Zero Waste.

Cause Partners: Our charities are hand selected by our PUMP members through nominations and voting. This year our Causes are Proud Haven and Foster Love Project!

Tournament Rules: The rules can be found here -

Tournament Captain's Packet:

Captain's Meeting:
1. Tuesday August 9th - Pick up t-shirts, and get assigned your team number for the schedule/divisions. Staff will be available from 4pm-6pm at Bigham Tavern. All teams must send someone.
2. On Thursday August 11th we will host a Zoom Captain's Meeting from 6:00-6:30 pm. Teams are welcome to have as many players as they want at the Zoom meeting, but they must have at least 1 representative.

NOTE: All teams will be randomly assigned their divisions and schedule based on the number they select when they pick up t-shirts.

Weather Policy

Kickball for a Cause is a rain or shine tournament. Games will be played in moderate rain. If needed, games played on dirt will be shifted to the grass.

In the event of lightning we will sound an air horn to stop all play. All participants and attendees should get into a safe spot to wait. Games will be resumed according to our flash to bang policy, as listed on our website.

In the event we stop play, captains will receive an email with further instructions from PUMP staff as soon as we have updated information on the weather delay.

Flash to Bang Method:

In the event of lightning, a flash to bang method will be used. A flash to bang method is used to determine how far away lightning is. Every 5 seconds between a flash of lightening and a bang of thunder equals 1 mile. The field will be evacuated if there is less than 15 seconds between a flash of lightening and the bang of thunder. Game play will not continue until the severe weather passes and there is more than 15 seconds between the flash of lightning and the bang of thunder.

Thank you to our Sponsors:

Allegheny Coffee and Tea Exchange

Dollar Bank

Family Tent Rental

Light Brothers

Mr. John

UPMC Sports Medicine

  • Division A

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Mixed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Division B

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Mixed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Division C

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Mixed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Division D

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Mixed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Division E

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Mixed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Division F

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Mixed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Division G

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Mixed
    • Age: All Ages
  • Division H

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Mixed
    • Age: All Ages
    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 21 to 100



Many of our login issues stem from errors in the emails of invited players and can be easily resolved!

Reminder: please use your email address (the one associated with your PUMP account) as your username.

If the emails used for your PUMP account and PSL account do not match, your login will not work.

If you cannot login, fill out this form!




PSL Spring 2025 registration dates are listed below!

Click on a sport listed to get to its homepage, where more league info will be available.

Questions about leagues or registration? Email Ky!

Spring Indoor Sports

Wednesday, April 9th: Tennis Clinic (12pm)


Spring Outdoor Sports

Wednesday, April 9th: Sand volleyball (12pm)


Interested in playing in a PSL sport but can't commit to a full league, or just want to get out one night and play? We have a PSL Play Solo: Pick Up Nights series for you! Pick your sport(s) and night(s) to participate in. Currently we have offerings in March for Basketball and Volleyball, and we're setting up April offerings that include Basketball, Dodgeball, Pickleball and Volleyball. Questions about a Play Solo Night event? Email Meghan!


Sign up for a Play Solo Night by clicking here!



PSL Staff's hours of league correspondence: 

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

*Note these are the hours that PSL staff is usually available for email and/or phone calls. We will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible and appreciate your patience. 


If your team needs to forfeit please notify us here