Axe-Throwing Rules



  • All participants must agree to the waiver of liability. 
  • The waiver can be accepted on each participating player's player page. 
  • A waiver must be signed for each league that is participated in.
  • All participants in the league assume the risk of injury. The PSL, its volunteers, and employees shall not be liable for injury to person, loss or damage to personal property arising from or in any way resulting from participation in the league.


  • Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated.
  • Any behavior that is deemed violent, harassing, and/or inappropriate in any way, as witnessed by the umpire, referee, or PUMP/PSL staff, will result in the actions outlined in our Sportsmanship Policy.
  • A player who is ejected from a game must leave the premises immediately.  Play will not resume until the ejected player has left.
  • Officials reserve the right to end a game at any point if the overall sportsmanship is out of line.
  • Captains are to be the team liaison to discuss any call or rule with an official during game play.



  • Each team must submit a roster with a minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 players.
  • No player may register for more than one team within the same league.
  • Rosters must be submitted and a waiver form must be signed before any player may participate in a match.
  • Rosters must be finalized and no changes are allowed after the 2nd week of play.
  • No player who is not on your roster and signed a waiver form may play in the league.
  • Only rostered players will be eligible for playoffs.



  • A team consists of 4 to 6 players (no gender requirements).
  • The fifth and sixth players are subs; only four players may play each night.
  • A team must have 3 players present to avoid forfeit.
    • If your team does forfeit, your teammates that do show up should still throw their axes. 
    • Substitute axe throwers are not permitted.
    • Each team must submit a throwing order for each game, and must follow that order for the entire 10 throws.
      • Teams are welcome to change up their order between games.



  • Each match will start at its scheduled time.
  • If a team does not have enough players to start the match by 10 minutes after the scheduled start time, they will forfeit.
    • Teams may still choose to stay and practice or organize a pickup game.
    • Teams forfeiting a match will receive a 0 – 3 loss to their opponent.


  • Each team will throw one match per night against one opposing team.
    • Each match consists of three 10 throw games.
  • The team with the highest score at the end of each game wins.
    • If the game is tied at the end of 10 throws, an 11th turn is taken.
    • Teams will continue to throw until the game is no longer tied.
      • Overall matches won is a tiebreaker – you should try to win each game as that is the overall record.
  • The home team, listed on the schedule, will throw first for the first and third games and the away team will throw first for the second game.



  • Ace Axe Throwing will provide all necessary equipment
    • You may not bring your own axe.
  • All participants must wear closed toe shoes.


  • Ace Axe Throwing staff will go over safety and throwing procedures before your first night of league play.
  • Ace Axe Throwing staff will be on hand throughout the season to oversee that participants are throwing their axes safely.
    • If a staff member determines you are not throwing your axe in a safe manner they will step in and correct your form, or remove you from the game if you cannot safely handle the axe.
  • All players must start their throw with their lead foot on the black line.
  • As a player throws their axe, they may step forward, past the black line to finish their throw.
  • No player may cross the red line until both players have thrown their axes.


  • Ace Axe Throwing staff will keep and record the final score for each player after each game.
  • Point values are as follows:
    • The bullseye (black ring) is worth 5 points
    • The red ring is worth 3 points
    • The blue ring is worth 1 point
    • The green dots above the rings are worth 7 points
      • These dots are called Clutch and players must call out ‘Clutch’ before their throw.
      • Players who hit Clutch but do not call it out receive 0 points for their throw.
      • Once Clutch is called, only that point area is valid – all other rings are worth 0 points.
      • All scoring is based on where the majority of the blade lands and stays in the target.
        • If teams cannot agree where the majority of the blade is, Ace Axe Throwing staff have equipment on hand to measure and make a final ruling.
        • The exception to the majority rule is when a player declares Clutch – as long as any part of the blade is touching the green paint, the throw is counted for 7 points.
  • If an axe falls out before it is retrieved, the throw will be counted as 0 points.




  • Playoffs are based on the overall games won/lost during the regular season.
  • The number of teams to qualify for playoffs will vary from season to season and is based on the number of teams registered.


  • All teams tied in the standings will use the following tiebreakers, in order, to determine seeding:
    • Overall games record.
    • Head to head.
    • Most regular season matches won.
    • Coin toss.
    • 3-way tiebreakers:  When 3 or more teams are tied, all teams will be ranked on the same criteria as opposed to knocking a team out then returning to the top of the tiebreaker list.  Tiebreakers will be applied until all teams that are tied can be ranked using the same criteria.  If the teams did not play one another in an even amount of games then 'head to head' will be skipped.


The PSL has two categories for individual competition in axe throwing playoffs - Lumberjill and Lumberjack. We are able to categorize most people through the process of PSL registration but there are situations in which we don't have all the information we need. If your name of PSL account is androgynous, or if you prefer to compete in the group that better defines your identity, we ask that you let us know the correct category that you should be competing in so we can correct out recordkeeping. Please email Ky to make any adjustments.




Many of our login issues stem from errors in the emails of invited players and can be easily resolved!

Reminder: please use your email address (the one associated with your PUMP account) as your username.

If the emails used for your PUMP account and PSL account do not match, your login will not work.

If you cannot login, fill out this form!




PSL Spring 2025 registration dates are listed below!

Click on a sport listed to get to its homepage, where more league info will be available.

Questions about leagues or registration? Email Ky!

Spring Indoor Sports

Monday, February 10th: Bowling and Cornhole (12pm) 

Tuesday, February 11th: Pickleball (10am) & Volleyball (12pm)

Wednesday, February 12th: Basketball & Pre-Spring Mini Tennis Clinic (12pm)

Spring Outdoor Sports

Tuesday, February 25th: Flag Football (12pm)

Wednesday, February 26th: Kickball (12pm)

Thursday, February 27th: Softball (12pm)


Interested in playing in a PSL sport but can't commit to a full league, or just want to get out one night and play? We have a PSL Play Solo: Pick Up Nights series for you! Pick your sport(s) and night(s) to participate in. Currently we have offerings in January and February for Basketball, Dodgeball, Flag Football, Kickball, Pickleball and Volleyball. Questions about a Play Solo Night event? Email Meghan!


Sign up for a Play Solo Night by clicking here!



PSL Staff's hours of league correspondence: 

Monday-Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am

*Note these are the hours that PSL staff is usually available for email and/or phone calls. We will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible and appreciate your patience. 


If your team needs to forfeit please notify us here